Name: Joshua
Birthdate: June 6, 1987 at 8:49 AM (which makes me 15 years old)
AIM: LeCachot4ever
Favorite Food: Stuffed Shells (meatless and extra soft)
Favorite Movie: The Fox and the Hound
Interests: Amusement Parks, Stephanie, musicals, my kitties
Collection: My amusement park collection contains over 835 items. Some of the items include a 125th Idlewild park banner, Racer 75th park banner, a brass *carousel) ring, 1909 Dreamland Postcard, 1905 Steeplechase Postcard, 1920's Lakemont Postcard, 1940's Noah's Ark postcard, numerous brochures, coupons, cups, tickets, prints, hats, and shirts.
Brief amusement park history: My first park to visit was Idlewild in July of 1987 at the age of 4 weeks old. In August of 1987, I visited Kennywood. My first visit to Lakemont Park was in August of 1999 with my rockie visit to DelGrosso's on May 19, 2002. On May 16 and 17, 2003, I shall visit Cedar Point with the National Amusement Park Historical Association and Disney World June 12-15, 2003 with Derry Area Marching Band.
Favorite Ride at Idlewild: Paratrooper
Personal Photo: When I find one I like, I'll put it on.